Sunday, August 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Paul!

This past weekend we celebrated my sweet, Paul's THIRD birthday! I can not believe he is three. He has grown up so much, and it is amazing how much he changes and learns something new every day!! Actually, more accurately, he teaches me something new and exciting every day. Paul becomes excited at the funniest things, and he shows his excitment in the best ways. He makes me see things in a whole new light. Like the smallest things, seeing a butterfly, or a bug, or watching Garfield, for the 100000 time and he watches with the intent as if it was the first! I love you PAUL!!!

This whole past week has been a whirl wind, and I believe I have hit a wall of exhaustion. Just to reacap... Monday was paul's oral surgery. All went wonderfully. Then in the afternoon we got Kyra's referral. Tuesday I attempted to get work done (yea right) Wednesday we finally saw our sweet little Kyra face. And let's just say that day was the most emotionally draining day I had, had since we got Paul's referral 3 years ago. Paul's reaction: she's cute can i have candy now?? what more did i expect out of a 3 year old. Thursday and Friday attempted to get through the work week and spend time wiht my brother and his children that came into town. Friday night celebrated Paul's birthday and Saturday, yet again celebrated Paul's birthday. A week with very little sleep. I think for a few days if I got more than 2-3 hours I was doing great. Needless to say today we all crashed. I just can't believe we have a daughter. I want to learn everything I can about her providence, and where she is from. I want to kiss that sad face and let her know mommy and daddy will alwyas be here for her. Ah I wish I could jump on a plane today! Well, except I am having HUGE anxiety about leaving Paul. Okay more than HUGE anxiety. It makes my heart skip a beat everytime I even think about it. But Bob and I have decided it was best for Paul and Kyra. Best for me, probably not, but this trip is not about me....It is about Kyra and her bonding to us. Did I mention that she crys loudly at strangers?? Don't get me wrong I did not expect an easy union. But OH NO! But for now we are in the hurry up and wait stage... and we are waiting for TA's and working on getting our Visa's done and I am here freaking out. (that is what I do best!!!)

~Until next Time!~
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Happiest Birthday to you Paul! You are obviously a very lucky and deserving guy to have such loving and caring parents :) I hope they spoil you rotten!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Paul's reaction to his sisters pictures are typical. I remember my son meeting his brand new baby twin sisters and he mustered up a BIT of enthusiasm before asking if he could get candy from the vending machine in the hospital lobby. That pretty much summed it up until they started getting older and 'interesting'. But, some 8 years later he is the older brother I hoped he would be :)

I am so excited for you all.
